BMS1201: Anatomy of Central Nervous System eLearnAfricaLMS | Abigail Salome Inapat

2 Weeks

Basics of the Central Nervous System


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Soroti University is the 9th public university with core functions of teaching and learning, research and innovation and community outreach. The key target audience are students seeking science-oriented university education. The university currently has two schools running three science programs. The School of Health Sciences offering Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Nursing Science and the School of Engineering offering Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Computer Engineering. The university proposes to run other programmes in the coming years. The mission of Soroti University is “To provide knowledge, skills and innovations for sustainable development and transformation”. This will be realized through: Educating responsible, broadminded persons to act as future visionaries in our society; Stimulating innovations that surpass traditional boundaries; Building an open community of students, scholars and others, 

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